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  • Total Students ( 1st to 6th course ): 4895
  • Clinical Residents and Interns: 1099
  • Students enrolled in Postgraduate Research programmes (Ph.D. Scholars, Post-Doctoral
    /Dr.Sc./ Researchers): 493
  • Attendees at the Premedical Department: 72 

Undergraduate and Graduate Education

Currently there are 1459 International Students from 28 countries studying in undergraduate medical courses. 900 Indian students are at advantage to pursue their graduate and post-graduate studies here in YSMU. There are 5 Faculties and 102 Academic Departments conducting wide spectrum of both theoretical and clinical studies. Teaching is conducted in Armenian and English. University faculties with respective number of students and other constituents are presented.

Faculty Number of students Duration of study (years) Hours (in total) ECTS total number of credits
General Medicine 3354 6 10,800 360
Stomatology 1193 5 9000 300
Pharmacy 335 5 9000 360
Military Medicine 6 11,000 360
Public Health (Masters Programme) 13 2 3600 120

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