
There are 5 faculties and 102 academic departments conducting wide spectrum of both theoretical and clinical studies.
Faculty of General Medicine
- Foundation date: 1920
- Duration of study: 6 years
- Degree awarded: M.D. “Physician’
- Average number of students per year: 650
Both local and International students study theoretical as well as major professional and allied clinical disciplines. Students having good and excellent academic performance and displaying interest in research workings are offered sub-specialization in narrower fields of medicine. Learning is characterized by an emphasis on independent and self-directed study, as well as developing professional competencies and skills in working with patients and mastering the application of current medical equipment and calculating techniques. Teaching is conducted in English and Armenian.
Faculty of Stomatology (Dentistry)
- Foundation date: 1961
- Duration of study: 5 years
- Degree awarded: Doctor of Stomatology
- Average number of students per year: 260
The Faculty educates and trains stomatologists (dentists), who practice in the field of stomatology. Students study theoretical as well as major professional and allied clinical disciplines ranging from therapeutic, orthopaedic, surgical and paediatric stomatology to propedeutics and prevention of stomatological diseases.
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Foundation date: 1972
- Duration of study: 4+1 years
- Degree awarded: Bachelor of Pharmacy/Master of Pharmacy
- Average number of students per year: 150
Both local and international students study fundamental and specialized disciplines throughout the whole course. Students specialize in the fields of drug technology, pharmaceutical management, pharmaceutical chemistry or clinical pharmacology. Those students who have good and excellent academic standing and display interest in research programs are offered to specialize in narrower fields of pharmacology.
Faculty of Military Medicine
- Foundation date: 1964
- Duration of study: 6 years
- Degree awarded: MD ‘Physician’ in the field of General Medicine in Military Forces
- Average number of students per year: Based on demand of seats
The majority of the Faculty graduates serve at frontiers as heads and doctors of medical service and military units. Curriculum and educational program of the Faculty are regularly updated to reflect major academic aspects of the program employed at higher military medical institutions abroad.
Faculty of Public Health
- Foundation date: 2011
- Duration of study: 2 years in Masters
- Degree awarded: Master of Public Health
- Average number of students per year: 15
This program provides opportunities for students to obtain extensive knowledge and basic skills in key areas of public health; namely in health systems management, epidemiology, social, biological and environmental determinants of health. The program offers deeper insight into the theories and methods applicable in public health and trains specialists to become leading public health professionals able to monitor and assess the population health, as well as to develop, implement and evaluate program on disease prevention and health promotion.
The faculty consists of assistant professors, lecturers and clinicians who work at the theoretical and clinical departments simultaneously managing patients at clinical hospitals. Student – Instructor ratio at the University is 1 : 8 i.e. one instructor for eight students. Average age of faculty member is 47 years. Within the last 5 years 450 physicians (involved also in teaching) and instructors have left for the U.S., Austria, Germany, France and other countries to participate in seminars and various conferances aimed at improvement of professional competencies and skills. Teaching is carried out in small groups. The number of students in each group from first to third year of study doesn’t exceed that of 14; in fourth and fifth year of study doesn’t exceed that of 12, and in the sixth (graduate) year doesn’t exceed that of 8.
YSMU is a large community campus encompassing administrative and academic buildings, Heratsi University Hospital Complex N1 with its fourteen clinics, an outpatient clinic, diagnostic laboratories, and ancillary facilities. In total, the University has 462 auditoriums for student groups.
- Total number: 1055
- Faculty at Clinical Departments – 750
- Academicians – 3
- Doctors of Sciences – 158
- Ph.D. holders – 461
- Assistant Professors (not holding a Scientific degree) – 435
- Senior Laboratory Assistants – 229 (7 of them hold Ph.D. degrees)
- Research Officers at the Research Centre – 177 (69 of them hold Scientific degrees)
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