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PG Specialities

  Specialty Duration
01. Radiology 2 years
02. Internal Medicine 3 years
03. Anesthesiology and Reanimatology 3 years
04. Cardiology 3 years
05. Dermatology and STD 2 years
06. Pediatrics 3 years
07. Neonatology 3 years
08. Gastroenterology 2 years
09. Neurology 3 years
10. Endocrinology 2 years
11. Oncology 2 years
12. Nephrology 3 years
13. Psychiatry 2 years
14. Infectious Diseases 2.5 years
15. ENT Diseases 3 years
16. Ophthalmology 3 years
17. Orthopedics & Traumatology 3 years
18. General Surgery 3 years
19. Pediatric Surgery 3 years
20. Urology 3 years
21. Thoracic Surgery 3 years
22. Neurosurgery 3 years
23. Plastic Surgery 4 years
24. Obstetrics & Gynaecology 4 years
25. Orthodontics 3 years
26. Orthopedic Stomatology 3 years
27. Maxillofacial Surgery 3 years

• Two Sessions: October & March
• Subject to availability of the seat in the desired specialty

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