Students Parliament

Armenian Medical Students’ Parliament of the Yerevan State Medical University (AMSP) was founded in 1992. It is an independent self-governing organization of students, which aims to protect the rights of students and promote their interests. 80 % of YSMU students participate in the activities of AMSP.
At least 25% of members of the University’s Scientific and Academic Councils are represented by students who hold the right t vote. They act as initiators and promoters of many positive innovations.
AMSP periodically organizes scientific conferences, symposiums and seminars. It has established close contacts with students’ scientific societies of medical institutions of many countries throughout the world. AMSP promotes and encourages international visits and exchanges.
AMSP also has its own Rock and Pop groups, ensemble of national dances and songs, theatre studio and fashion club. It organizes numerous concerts, festivals and sports competitions. Every year summer and winter sport health camps are organized in the University’s resorts, which are located in picturesque parts of the country. Hundreds of students spend their holidays at University’s resorts.
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