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YSMU is very well maintained, and this ensures a pleasant student environment. The hostels are nice and well-equipped, and they feel like home to us. The facilities provided are great –Wi-Fi

Saatvika Chadha Read More

I’m final year student of general medicine faculty. Since childhood it was my dream to become a doctor because it’s one of the Nobel professions. Upon completion of the 12th grade from

Prabhjot Singh Read More

YSMU is No.1 in world class facilities and has brilliant faculty. Everyone here is friendly and very helpful in nature. It is a safe environment, and the students are provided the freedom to celebr

Ipshita Gera Read More

Yerevan State Medical University is just the kind of ‘Launching Pad’ required for Medical Graduates, Post-Graduates & Researchers to further their career goal in life.
I am ve

Dr. Shanu Desai Read More

 My time at YSMU has helped me to achieve one of my most important life goals in gaining an excellent education and open-mindedness towards new people, cultures and experiences. I like everyth

Amita Read More

YSMU is one of the best universities when it comes to career in medicine. The staff is tremendously cooperative and has an extreme passion. The people are incredibly interesting and very welcoming.

Manik Bhalla Read More

The overall experience is great! I’m currently in my sixth an

Gurpreet Kaur Read More